knockoff handbags


Replica Louis Vuitton Alize Heures Bag Review

Replica Louis Vuitton Alize Heures Bag is one of the monogram-canvas based 'luggage' bags in the LV Stable. Other products in this family include the likes of the box-shaped Louis Vuitton Cruiser Bag, the airport trolley known as LV Bosphore, the shoulder-strap equipped M41140 Louis Vuitton Chase Sac and the uniquely-shaped 50 Louis Vuitton Eole - among others. Now since LV started making 'luggage' bags and offering them for sale to the mass market, I have been a fan of them; those being bags through which I find a good compromise of stylishness and practical sturdiness. But of all these Louis Vuitton Luggage bags that I have gotten to use, it is the Replica Louis Vuitton Alize Heures Bag that I have come to be most enchanted with.

The first thing you notice about the Replica LV Alize Heures Bag, when you first set your eyes on it, is elegance. This mainly comes out the bag's design (which seems to be themed on those leather document folders of the old), and color. The color employed on the Replica Louis Vuitton Alize Heures Bag is dark brown (as the background), with cream crosses strewn all over the body.

As alluded to earlier, the main material used in making the body of Replica Louis Vuitton Alize Heures Bag is monogram canvas. Anybody conversant with such matters will tell you that this is one of the best materials you can create a 'luggage' bag with; thanks mainly to its considerable sturdiness.

Replica LV Alize Heures Bag is quite a big bag, though not conspicuously so. In terms of length, the bag boasts of some 17 inches, with the height being some 13 inches and the width some 7 inches. The space created by all this is distributed in such a way that besides the main area where luggage can be carried, there are also 'compartments' where stuff that mustn't mix with the rest can be carried. In the compartments, there is further partition; this time to create patch pockets.

Replica LV Alize Heures Bag is well adapted for use as a travel bag. The provision for a removable shoulder strap is one of the adaptations the bag has to this effect. The fact that the shoulder strap is removable gives quite a distinct advantage; because the bags that come with permanently fixed shoulder straps can become quite a pain when one doesn't need to make use of them - and when one has to go around with the straps interfering with their motion. The provision for a side pocket, where one can keep their newspapers, and tickets (and withdraw them without having to open up the whole bag) makes Replica LV Alize Heures Bag an even better-adapted travel bag.

For a closure-mechanism, Louis Vuitton provides the users of Replica LV Alize Heures Bag with a double zipper, all the way round the bag.

